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Below is the estimated trip cost for Junior Nationals in Soldier Hollow in March 2025.
  • Athletes who know at this time that they intend to use their own ticket need to notify Thomas O’Harra by January 31 that they will not need a Team Alaska ticket. This includes pre-qualified athletes who either secured a position on the team as part of US Nationals or will attend the World Junior Biathlon Championships.

  • At the time of team payment (February 8, 2025) athletes who provide their own ticket will deduct the airfare amount from their team fee.

  • CCAK will help arrange for Fairbanks athletes’ travel to Anchorage and depart with the team. This will likely involve one hotel night with athletes departing Fairbanks the evening of March 5. The 14 prequalified athletes do not count to the team quota of 50. See the flight itinerary below for athletes who would like to book a flight that matches. If athlete flight does not match the Team Alaska flight ensuring transportation from the airport to Zermatt with the team, separate transportation needs to be arranged and paid for by the athlete. Final price is subject to change based on final numbers of athletes and all airfare & accommodations adjustments.

JN Budget Estimate to Post_01-09-2024.jpg
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