Cross Country Alaska
Besh Cup Races 5 & 6
February 1st & 2nd
What'sApp link for Spectators
Organizers may use to communicate information regarding weather, schedule changes, results, and other special announcements.
Reminder to coaches and athletes - as US Ski & Snowboard sanctioned races, fluorinated waxes are not allowed.
WhatsApp communication link for race day updates:
Saturday Freestyle Individual Start
Course Maps
Seed List
Race Day Schedule
Bib Pickup - Bibs will be distributed to training teams for coaches to distribute. Unaffiliated skiers may pick up bibs in the chalet 9:30-12:30
Chip Pickup at start
Race Start Times TBD
11:00 - U08/U10
11:10 - U12
11:30 - U14/U16
12:25 - U18+
Complimentary Tshirts Available at chalet until noon for:
skiers who registered for all six races
all youth skiers under age 12
Tshirts are available for sale - $20
Venue & Spectator Information
Awards Ceremony
Awards ceremony will follow each race.
Age Group awards (top 3) -U14 and older
Overall awards (top 3) - U18+
Beginning in 2023-24 season, the U08/U10/U12 will gather all racers for post-race podium photos and all skiers in these age groups will receive Besh Cup race gifts.
Sunday Classic Individual Start
Course Maps
Seed List
Race day Schedule
Bib Pickup - Bibs will be distributed to training teams for coaches to distribute. Unaffiliated skiers may pick up bibs in the chalet 9:30-1:00
Chip Pickup at start
Race Start Times TBD
11:00 - U18+F / Awards
11:45 - U18+M
12:30 - U16F
13:00 - U16M
13:30 - U12/U14F
13:45 - U12/U14M
14:15 - U08/U10 M&F
Complimentary Tshirts Available at chalet until noon for:
skiers who registered for all six races
all youth skiers under age 12
Tshirts are available for sale - $20
Venue & Spectator Information
Awards Ceremony
Awards ceremony will follow each race.
Age Group awards (top 3) - ALL AGE GROUPS (Besh 6 only)
Overall awards (top 3) - U18+
Team Alaska Ceremony & Besh Season Awards
2:45pm estimated start time
Team Alaska for Junior Nationals
Presentation of Besh Season Age Group Awards & Besh Cup Trophy
Course Maps
Race Times
Bib Pickup
Start Lists
Venue Information
Trail Access
Spectator Information
Course Maps
Race Times
Bib Pickup
Start Lists
Venue Information
Trail Access
Spectator Information