Cross Country Alaska
How Seeding Will Work
Registration form asks for US Ski & Snowboard & FIS license numbers. The licenses are not required but the information is requested for seeding which will be based on CCAK seed points. Hill climbers with CCAK profiles will be seeded accordingly. Hill climbers without CCAK profiles or seed points will have the opportunity to provide information to help race organizers seed.
Registration Details
Registration is limited to:
50 female / 50 male long course
20 female / 20 male short course
Registration will stay open until 5pm Thursday, April 13 or earlier if races fill.
Day-of registration if space available.
Live Timing and Results Provided by Strabel Racing Services
Questions can be directed to info@crosscountryalaska.org
Long Course Hill Climb - Start at base of Alyeska Tram / finish at the top of the Tram
Long Course Hill Climb is open to skiers in USSS U16 age group and older
Skiers must be born before 2009
Skiers with YOB 2007 & 2008 may select either the Long Course OR the Short Course
Short Course Hill Climb - Start at base of Alyeska Tram / finish at mid-hill
Short Course Hill Climb is open to skiers in USSS U16, U14 & U12 age groups
Birth date between January 1, 2007 and April 15, 2012
Skiers with YOB 2007 & 2008 may select either the Long Course OR the Short Course
Course Maps will be published in early April
Entry Fees: $30 Long Course / $20 Short Course
Bib Pickup: 7:30am - 8:15am on race day Race Begins: 9:00am Long Course / 9:25am Short Course
CCAK expects this event to fill so register early!
As with all CCAK events, there will be no refunds issued.
Awards Ceremony: 11am
CASH Prizes for Top 3 Hill Climbers
Bedazzled Skis for Meisters
combined results of nordicX & Hill Climb